Harriet 7th September 2019

Caroline was just the best. Her rare qualities of compassion, thoughtfulness and good humour made her an inspirational lecturer and wonderful mentor. I was lucky enough to have been taught by Caroline during my Hispanic Studies degree at Bristol. Her classes were always lively and inclusive; she always pushed us to think harder and resist easy conclusions. She was also always forgiving of our student bleary eyes in Friday morning seminars... I read in her her obituary how elegant she was. It hadn't occurred to me before but that's exactly how she was: elegant and graceful in every way. Elegant in her opinions, her speech, her style and in her work. She was the person who took me aside and gently suggested I considered postgraduate studies. I did not have the self-belief at the time, but the fact that Dr Caroline Williams believed in me meant everything to me. It is down to her that I completed my PhD in Indigenous History this year. I owe her a huge amount and I will miss her. My thoughts are with her family.